Dreamshade dreamers dont sleep
Dreamshade dreamers dont sleep

"Human" is broad, here: dreamshades work, blessed souls work, undead who get into the Marches work, and so on. If the angel's vessel is within a yard of the human's sleeping body, the Dream-Shaping target number is at +1 if they are in physical contact, the target is at +2.

dreamshade dreamers dont sleep

The portal will give the Wheel access to dreamscapes and Domains that might otherwise be closed, though he may be ejected after passing into them. Note that only the Ofanite may pass through the portal, except on a check digit of 6: that will stabilize the portal so that anyone can pass through from the Ofanite's side until the Ofanite himself goes through. Both human and angel must be in the Marches, and the angel must have seen the human before (though the human can be anywhere when this attunement is invoked): a successful Dream-Shaping roll will create an entryway in front of the angel, and the human's ethereal seeming will be on the other side. comforting.īlandine's Wheels may use human dreamers as portals within the Marches. Blandine frowns on abusing this as much as she would frown on abusing any other aspect of Cherub resonance, of course, and no Cherub of Dreams is happy when one of his attuned's dreams is shattered - but getting to teach the breaker the error of his ways is. A failure to protect the attuned's hopes results in no dissonance unless the Cherub personally destroyed them (at which point dissonance is received from both Choir and Word), but the Cherub is instantly aware, and may Nemesis-attune to the person who was most responsible for said destruction (if there was one other than the attuned himself), at the instant of destruction. Their resonance detects dangers to their attuned's hopes and dreams as well as to the attuned himself. These Guardians care for the intangible as well as the tangible. (As per the canon Seraph of Dreams attunement on In Nomine, p. Those very few non-Seraphim who earn this attunement gain the bonus to everything Perception-based in the Marches except resonance. Those she does have add their Ethereal Forces to all Perception or Perception-based rolls in the Marches, including raw agility in celestial combat in the Marches, and resonance.īlame it on her respect of Lucifer and her son Gebbeleth, perhaps, but Blandine does not give this attunement to anyone save Seraphim, barring great distinguishment in her service - typically something that would at minimum earn a Vassalhood - which is why it's listed as Restricted. Celestially slaying a fellow Servitor of Dreams is worth double dissonance, though of course no Dreamer has ever attempted such a thing.īlandine has very few Seraphim.

dreamshade dreamers dont sleep

Note that, yes, dream-figments and ethereals as well as dreamscapes and dream-Domains count as "dreams" for purposes of this dissonance condition! Mind-killing is not dissonant for Servitors of Blandine, but soul-killing an ethereal or attempting to otherwise permanently eradicate one is not. It is not permissable to destroy or attempt to destroy them, however, even in knee-jerk defense of the Truth.

dreamshade dreamers dont sleep

It is permissable for her Servitors to gently redirect them into more appropriate forms: after all, humans need to learn to keep to appropriate aspirations, and even angels can occasionally be terribly misguided (just look at the Outcasts in Purgatory).

dreamshade dreamers dont sleep

In Council, Blandine reminds her fellows not to lose hope in their wayward siblings or in humanity: sooner or later, things will fall into place, she's sure of it, and that and Beleth keep her in Heaven no matter what.īlandine is the guardian of hopes and dreams, and it is dissonant for her to shatter them. She and her Servitors protect humans from their more foolish dreams, and teach humans to aspire to appropriate things. And, after Raphael's Outcasting, it has resulted in a remarkably effective partnership controlling the Vale, where human dreamscapes reside.īlandine is Beleth's brighter, more outgoing half. It led to the creation of Gebbeleth, Seraph Archangel of Truth Lissah, Cherub Angel of Dreams of Children and a number of other angels. It made Andrealphus, Mercurian of Fire, become Archangel of Love. The love of Beleth and Blandine has triggered many things over the millenia.

Dreamshade dreamers dont sleep