This is the information the platform uses to choose the accounts that show up on your feed: Suggested accounts regularly appear on your Instagram feed. This account may or may not be related to your interests. When a user’s account becomes popular, Instagram will suggest it to you on your feed. If a post gets high recognition and many people interact with it, Instagram will add it to your feed as a trending topic, so you don’t miss out. Your activity on Instagram isn’t the only factor that will bring a suggested post to your feed. Your liked photographs, comments, and shared posts are also used to determine your interests. On occasion, it’s not necessary to follow an account to let Instagram know you’re interested in a specific topic. Your interest in certain accounts will make Instagram show you similar posts and related accounts. Instagram pays close attention to the accounts you follow and your activity with those accounts, including liked and shared photographs.

Here’s the information Instagram uses to determine the posts you might be interested in: Several factors determine the suggested posts on your Instagram feed and navigation page. The list of words, emojis, phrases, and hashtags you include in the list won’t hide the reels of the users you follow, even if they contain one of the elements from the list. Note that all these changes can take up to 24hrs to be activated in your account.

Get general information on how Instagram ads work.You can get further information on the Instagram account in charge of the advertisement campaign.You can discover why Instagram thought you’d be interested in the advertisement.Use this if the post is offensive, sexually inappropriate, implies fraud, or relates to politics. On the pop-up menu, you’ll find several alternatives:.Click on the three vertical dots in the upper right corner of the advertisement.
#Instagram search suggestions how to
Here’s how to eliminate an advertisement from your feed: Only in this case there is no way to stop them for a certain period. To hide advertisements, the process is similar. Click the “Clock icon” to turn off all suggested posts for 30 days.Click on “Aa” to stop any suggestions with certain words.