With less, the easiest way to manage this room is to utilize the coffin in the back room area, with whoever takes it using their Halo to escape the pit they are in and go handle the other(s).

With three players, this is a simple matter of everyone picking a door. All three worms must be defeated before the ladders downward will reveal themselves. Within Room #6, there are three separated chambers, each with a worm inside. You do not need to pull this lever to progress you gain nothing from doing so except perhaps a chuckle at your friends' expense. The last trap is a lever that will remove much of the flooring of the room it is in underneath lies a spike pit, and instant death. Alternately, you can Phase Door through the boulder, or Halo out of the room and to safety. The simplest way of avoiding the boulder is simply to run ahead of it, back towards the entrance of the room - once across the small gap (and away from the edge), you are safe. The third is a lever that activates a rolling boulder that will roll down nearly the entirety of the map, instantly destroying all it touches. The chest contains nothing and opening is not required. The second is a trap chest that, when opened, will drop a rock from directly above. Standing still will keep the lever-puller safe all others should stand well clear. The first is a lever that, when activated, will drop a rock on either side of the lever.

There are four major traps on this level.